Good to see the Welsh Government publish this document on web filtering standards for schools. Over the last couple of months I've been working with primary schools from around Wales and it still surprises me the number of local authorities who block access to websites they deem unsuitable. YouTube is still the 'big one' that seems to be blocked by many (along with other video streaming sites), and I'm currently having issues with certain LAs blocking access to Google Apps for Education. The frustration for myself and schools is the inconsistencies with blocking. One LA lets something through for their schools, and the neighbouring LA has it blocked. I wonder how long it'll take before we have consistency in LA filtering across the whole of Wales? It would actually be helpful if we had consistency in filtering across a Consortium!
In a couple of previous posts I looked at what was meant by the term digital literacy and what this could mean in the Welsh education context. These were written in response to a recommendation from the ICT Steering Group report , proposing a new statutory Digital Literacy Framework for schools. I attempted to define what digital literacy meant using definitions from groups such as The Royal Society, Becta, Futurelab , Jisc and Common Sense Media. It was very difficult to pin down exactly what it meant but there were certainly commonalities between all of them. This week however, Prof. Graham Donaldson published his report on the curriculum and assessment in Wales, "Successful Futures" , and in it referred not to digital literacy , but to digital competence (which is a term I'm far happier using). I therefore feel it's important for me to try in this post to understand what is meant by this term, look at some definitions and find out if there are any differences ...
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