Welsh Government have just released some follow up Pupil Deprivation Grant (PDG) guidance for schools. "What really works?"is a useful guide intended to give practical advice to schools on appropriate approaches that will help poorer pupils overcome the additional barriers they face that prevent them from achieving their full potential. I must say I'm surprised and shocked to the core......not one single mention that buying 30 iPads with the grant is an approach that will help these pupils! #sarcasm
In a couple of previous posts I looked at what was meant by the term digital literacy and what this could mean in the Welsh education context. These were written in response to a recommendation from the ICT Steering Group report , proposing a new statutory Digital Literacy Framework for schools. I attempted to define what digital literacy meant using definitions from groups such as The Royal Society, Becta, Futurelab , Jisc and Common Sense Media. It was very difficult to pin down exactly what it meant but there were certainly commonalities between all of them. This week however, Prof. Graham Donaldson published his report on the curriculum and assessment in Wales, "Successful Futures" , and in it referred not to digital literacy , but to digital competence (which is a term I'm far happier using). I therefore feel it's important for me to try in this post to understand what is meant by this term, look at some definitions and find out if there are any differences ...
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