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Showing posts from May, 2019

Curriculum for Wales 2022 - Workshop

Yesterday afternoon (14th May) I attended a Curriculum for Wales 2022 event at the Principality Stadium in Cardiff. Organised by the Welsh Government, the event provided stakeholders who had no input into the construction of the draft curriculum with the opportunities to find out more and importantly, communicate their own thoughts on the draft. The afternoon event was well attended and appeared to be a mix of people from FE/HE, business and some teachers. I understand that teachers / schools are also being offered similar events via their regional consortium. View from our workshop room For the first hour, the Welsh Government delivered a presentation on the background to the draft curriculum. Much of what was outlined is already in the public domain, but it was helpful to hear the details again and will certainly help to form a background to subsequent meetings or courses I provide to schools. Consistent messages are definitely helpful for schools. Delegates then broke off i...

Initial Thoughts On The Science and Technology Draft Curriculum - WM6

The following post is my attempt at beginning to understand and reflect on the proposed Science and Technology Area of Learning and Experience. It is only focused on the computer science statements in What Matters 6 (WM6) and more specifically on the statements that relate mainly to the primary school - Progression Steps 1, 2 & 3. At the end of April we finally got to see the long awaited draft Curriculum for Wales 2022 , to much fanfare from the Minister for Education, Kirsty Williams, the Welsh Government and the teachers and pioneer schools involved in its development. So it was with professional interest, tinged with trepidation, that I downloaded and began reading the proposals for the Science and Technology Area of Learning and Experience (AoLE). Before I go any further, for colleagues reading this blog outside the bubble of education in Wales, the draft curriculum is another step along the major changes to education in Wales , initiated by Prof Graham Donaldson and his...