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Showing posts from June, 2017

Hwb+ - Another Nail in the Coffin?

This post on the Hwb News page caught my eye this afternoon. In early July, the Welsh Government (WG) are running four Hwb+ Workshops to " explore the current use of the Hwb+ learning platform " and wanting to " hear your views " before planning the next steps in the LiDW programme. If you've read some of my previous posts about Hwb+ you'll know I've never been its biggest fan and in ' Gazing Into My Crystal Ball ', suggested that maybe the contract for Hwb+ wouldn't be renewed. Dare I propose that the only reason these workshops are being held by the WG is that they already have a very good idea what the feedback from schools will be like - overwhelmingly negative. Therefore it appears that these events are an opportunity to gather further evidence of why the contract with Learning Possibilities for Hwb+ shouldn't be renewed in August 2018. I'd be extremely surprised, in fact astonished, if a different outcome arose from these event...