On the morning of Tuesday 17th May I'm hosting, along with my colleagues from C -Learning , a Google Apps for Education event at The Village Hotel, Cardiff. The event is aimed at both primary and secondary school phases and there will be presentations from two secondary schools and two primary schools. I'm going to give a short presentation on how I see Google Apps for Education fitting into the new digital competence framework, especially around 'connecting and collaborating' and 'citizenship'. There'll also be the opportunity to find out more about Chrome devices and approaches to cloud infrastructure in schools. I'd love to see both schools who are currently using Google Apps and schools who are wanting to find out more about this technology come to this. A good opportunity to 'network' with like minded schools. The booking form can be accessed here - http://goo.gl/forms/bL0SxULhB0 I'm also hosting a Chrome device twilight session at ...
The infrequent ramblings and musings of a curriculum and education technology consultant.