It was with interest that I read these articles over the last couple of days: BBC website: "Tablets Eroding Pupil's Digital Skills" The Register: Kids' Tech Skills Go Backwards Thanks To Tablets And Smartmobes" The Conversation: ICT Is Failing In Schools - Here's Why Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority - ICT Literacy Report Shows A Decline In ICT Literacy National Assessment Program ICT Literacy - Yrs 6 & 10 Report 2014 A report just published by the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority found that the ICT literacy performance of students in both Years 6 and Years 10 decreased between 2011 - 2014. Their conclusions certainly caught my eye, and that of the press around the world: "The decline does not appear to be a result of changes in the test content, in the way the test was administered or sample obtained. One of the possible interpretations of the decline in ICT literacy is that the incre...
The infrequent ramblings and musings of a curriculum and education technology consultant.