An article from caught my attention this afternoon. Titled, " Computing and digital literacy education needs a unified approach " and authored by the ECDL Foundation , the piece argues that "education programmes promoting coding need to be balanced with basic technology skills, which are too often lacking - even amongst so-called 'digital natives'." Also highlighting that there was a danger that "this focus on coding risks diminishing the quality of other aspects or computing and digital literacy education." It was quite refreshing to read this article as I thought that I might be the only one who was having some concerns, especially with the media focus on educational technology at the moment is seemingly fixated on coding in schools. In my post from June I wrote about what I saw as 'skewed reporting' of the digital competence framework, from the BBC. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with the introduction of co...
The infrequent ramblings and musings of a curriculum and education technology consultant.