I'm keeping a very close eye on what's happening in Scotland at the moment. Looks like change is in the air with regards to Glow. Today a summit was held between educationalists from across Scotland to decide on the approach to ICT in Scotland and therefore the future of Glow. The Scottish minister has already made announcements, changes coming into force in 2012. Looking at a system of smaller tools 'glued' together. Not a 'one solution' solution. Sounds very familiar to what's going on in Wales? I wasn't able to attend the summit in person, but did watch on a video stream. Interesting stuff - have a look at this website for further info on what the current thinking is in Scotland. It was very interesting to read comments from teachers about Glow - great frustration and anger. Read this and then take some time to go through the comments at the end. This is definitely one to watch. Wales must learn from the positives and mistakes / problems of oth...
The infrequent ramblings and musings of a curriculum and education technology consultant.